ESCI 340 computer lab Friday 15 January 2016 ____________________________________________________________________ # Douglas fir dbh data, from 6 January 2016 dbh.edge <- c(93.3, 107.4, 95, 106.2, 97.2, 94.3, 116.1, 115.3, 87.6, 80) > mean(dbh.edge) [1] 99.24 > sd(dbh.edge) [1] 11.76012 <- c(61.5, 63.4, 191, 58.7, 54.5, 146, 71.6, 37.2, 48.1, 75.1) > mean( [1] 80.71 > sd( [1] 48.69147 # One sample t-test using dbh edge data; Ho: mu=110cm > t.edge = (mean(dbh.edge) - 110) / (sd(dbh.edge) / sqrt(10)) > t.edge [1] -2.893347 # Determine p-value for this t-value: # Multiply by 2 to get 2-tailed probability > 2*pt(t.edge, df=9) [1] 0.0177870 # t-test function in R produces identical result: # documentation: ## Default S3 method: t.test(x, y = NULL, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), mu = 0, paired = FALSE, var.equal = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, ...) > t.test(dbh.edge, mu=110) One Sample t-test data: dbh.edge t = -2.8933, df = 9, p-value = 0.01779 alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 110 95 percent confidence interval: 90.82732 107.65268 sample estimates: mean of x 99.24 # ******************************************************************** # Two sample t-test using edge and interior dbh data, Ho: mu_edge = mu_int # t = [mean(edge) - mean(int)] / se # First, calculate se, from pooled variance: > sp.dbh <- ((9*var(dbh.edge) + 9*var( / (10+10)) > sp.dbh [1] 1129.122 > se.dbh <- sqrt(sp.dbh/10 + sp.dbh/10) > se.dbh [1] 15.02745 # Insert se value into formula for t: > t.dbh <- (mean(dbh.edge) - mean( / se.dbh # d.f. = 10 + 10 - 2 = 18 > t.dbh [1] 1.233077 > # determine p-value, 2-tailed: > 2*(1-pt(t.dbh, df=18)) [1] 0.2334088 # 2-sample t-test function in R produces similar result: > t.test(dbh.edge, Welch Two Sample t-test data: dbh.edge and t = 1.1698, df = 10.046, p-value = 0.2691 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -16.74234 53.80234 sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 99.24 80.71 # slight difference in t-value and p-value due to inequality in variances; # t.test function applies Welch's approximation # ************************************************************************ # One-tailed t-test: Ha: mu_edge > mu_int; Ho: mu_edge <= mu_int > t.dbh <- (mean(dbh.edge) - mean( / se.dbh # d.f. = 10 + 10 - 2 = 18 > # determine p-value, 1-tailed > 1-pt(t.dbh, df=18) [1] 0.1167044 # 2-sample, one-tailed t-test function in R: > t.test(dbh.edge,, alt="greater") Welch Two Sample t-test data: dbh.edge and t = 1.1698, df = 10.046, p-value = 0.1345 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is greater than 0 95 percent confidence interval: -10.16651 Inf sample estimates: mean of x mean of y 99.24 80.71 # ****************************************************************************** # # Plot maple seed "dispersal" data from a prior year # NOTE: for ESCI 340 winter 2016 assignment 2, must use data listed on that assignment. # # Maple seed dispersal data: # <- c(335, 323, 400, 314, 48, 461, 132, 125, 146, 202, 160, 156, 177, 118, 151, 170, 268, 233, 202, 220, 238, 75, 76, 66, 122, 71, 112, 99, 111, 110, 100, 55, 116, 160, 90, 13, 161, 168, 141, 129, 160, 178, 150, 272, 324, 156, 287, 235, 212, 155, 114, 187, 380, 250, 352, 279, 290, 82, 117, 200, 239, 290, 253, 208) par(mfrow = c(1,1)) hist(, xlim=c(0,1000), xlab="Distance (cm)") # Plot histogram # Superimpose normal curve on histogram, fit to the data <- seq(0, 1000, by=10) # Create seqence of distance values # Use dnorm function to plot normal probabilities # syntax: dnorm(x-values, mean, standard deviation) # multiply dnorm probabilities by sample size, n=64, and histogram interval width = 50cm # Note: sample size in winter 2016, n=60 lines(, 64*50*dnorm(, 186.3, 93.9)) # alternatively, could use: # lines(, 64*50*dnorm(, mu=mean(, sd=sd( # Superimpose Uniform distribution on histogram, over range [0, 600] # Use dunif function to plot uniform distribution probabilities # syntax: dunif(x-values, lower limit, upper limit) # As above, multiply dunif probabilities by sample size, n=64, and histogram interval width = 50cm # Plot as dashed line, "lty=2") lines(, 64*50*dunif(, 0, 600), lty=2)