Department of Environmental Sciences
College of the Environment
Western Washington University

Grand Canyon course readings

Grand Canyon river trip orientation video (viewing required)
Grand Canyon orientation video, on YouTube

River trip Leave No Trace guidelines

River courtesy guidelines

Canyon REO Grand Canyon Outfitting Orientation, videos 1-10, 12

Christensen R. 2024. We Are Grand Canyon. Intertribal Working Group, Grand Canyon National Park, and Grand Canyon Conservancy. Bristlecone Media.
Also available on YouTube: We Are Grand Canyon

Austin, D and B Drye. 2011. The water that cannot be stopped: Southern Paiute perspectives on the Colorado River and the operations of Glen Canyon Dam. Policy and Society 30:285-300.

Collier M et al. 1996. Dams and Rivers: A Primer on the Downstream Effects of Dams. USGS Circular 1126. U.S. Geological Survey, Tuscon, AZ. [online]

Ford E. 2018. The greater unconformity. Summit to Salish Sea: Inquiries and Essays 3(1):3. [online]

Grand Canyon Trust. 2020. The Voices of Grand Canyon. Grand Canyon Trust, Flagstaff, AZ. [online]

Hamill JF, TS Melis. 2012. The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program: Progress and immediate challenges. in PJ Boon and PJ Raven, eds. River Conservation and Management. Wiley. [online]

LaGrave K. 2019. How Grand Canyon National Park Will Look in 100 Years. Outside Magazine Feb. 25, 2019. [online]

Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics. 2012. The Leave No Trace Seven Principles. Boulder, Co. [online]

Melis TS, ed. 2011. Effects of Three High-Flow Experiments on the Colorado River Ecosystem Downstream from Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona. USGS Circular 1366. U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ. [online]

Necefer L. 2024. The interplay of law, culture, and the Colorado River. American Whitewater 64(2):14-19.

Rhoswen K. 2024. The Complete Guide to Feminine Hygiene on River Trips. OARS. [online]
Also see: Marie A. Menstrual care in the backcountry. [online]

Schmidt JC, et al. 1998. Science and values in river restoration in the Grand Canyon. BioScience 48:735-747.

Stevens LE, KA Buck, BT Brown, NC Kline. 1997. Dam and geomorphological influences on Colorado River waterbird distribution, Grand Canyon, Arizona. Regulated Rivers: Res. & Manage. 13:151-169.

Stevens L. 2019. The Colorado River in the Grand Canyon: A River Runner's Map and Guide, 5th ed. Red Lake Books, Flagstaff, AZ.

Strazza S. 2024. River Sister. American Whitewater 64(3):36-39.

Udall B, J Overpeck. 2021. The twenty-first century Colorado River hot drought and implications for the future. Water Resources Research 53:2404-2418. doi: 10.1002/2016WR019638.

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