John F. McLaughlin

Research Interests

1 Butterfly Population Responses to Climate Change

We are studying effects of climate change on butterfly populations in the Cascades mountains, particularly in North Cascades National Park, Mount Rainier National Park, and adjacent National Forests. We are tracking changes in butterfly abundances, distributions, and butterfly-plant phenological relationships. Our work focuses on alpine and subalpine habitats, where impacts of climate change are expected to be most conspicuous.

This work began with butterfly inventories in the two Parks in 2008 and 2009, in collaboration with the National Park Service, NPS staff, North Cascades Institute, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Dana Garrigan (Carthage College). Able field assistance from Nicholas Crandall, Julie Munger, Michelle Toshack, and Katy Wetzel. Stefan Freelan provided valuable assistance preparing maps of study areas. Butterfly inventories for North Cascades and Mount Rainier National Parks were funded by a grant from the National Park Service.

Initial work on this project began in 2003, with support from Earthwatch Institute. Susan Imholt completed her M.S. thesis on this project in 2006, with able field assistance from Andrew Kirkby, Bjorn Wanwig, and several others. Click here for details and images from work with EarthWatch.

Our work contributes to the Cascades Butterfly Project (CBP), a collaborative effort led by Dr. Regina Rochefort and involving two National Parks, two British Columbia Provincial Parks, two National Forests, North Cascades Institute, Carthage College, Butterflies and Moths of North America, and a network of citizen scientists. More information about the Cascades Butterfly Project, including opportunities to participate as a citizen scientist, is available at the CBP home page:

2 Avian Responses to Elwha River Restoration

We are forecasting and evaluating responses of birds to two large dam removals and associated restoration on the Elwha River, Olympic Peninsula. Riparian restoration increasingly employs dam removal, but with limited knowledge about post-removal effects. In particular, little is known about effects of dam removal on terrestrial components. The Elwha restoration is the largest dam removal project to date, and the first to be supported by comprehensive research, including pre-removal baselines and post-removal monitoring. Click here for information about the larger Elwha restoration program.

Our work is part of a comprehensive program involving researchers from diverse agencies, educational institutions, and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe. To date, we have completed the first three of six phases in the project: (1) pre-removal inventory, (2) modeling species densities and distributions, and (3) forecasting species responses to post-removal forest restoration. First, we detected 42 species in variable circular plots during the pre-removal inventory; inventory data were sufficient to estimate location-specific densities for 22 species. Second, we modeled abundance patterns for ten species using habitat variables at local, patch, and landscape scales. We evaluated models using Akaike's Information Criterion and we determined the relative importance of each variable and scale using multi-model inference. Local habitat variables best explained abundance patterns for most species. Third, we forecasted avian responses to forest restoration scenarios in the Lake Mills reservoir bed with and without conifer inter-planting. Results are described in our publications. This work is in collaboration with Carly Gelarden, who completed her M.S. thesis on the project in 2009, with field assistance from David Dow and Matt Groce. Since our avian inventory in 2006, I have been re-sampling our study areas to monitor changes in bird densities and distributions.

3 Wildlife Roles in Elwha River Restoration

We have expanded our work to more comprehensive research on wildlife roles in Elwha restoration, including seed dispersal, nutrient dispersal, and herbivory. Large woody debris mediates wildlife restoration roles in multiple ways. This work is in collaboration with researchers from the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, Olympic National Park, and U.S. Geological Survey. In particular, we are interested in learning about diverse ways wildlife affect restoration so we can adapt restoration programs to improve restoration progress. Prior funding was provided by a grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

4 Population Dynamics and Conservation of Checkerspot Butterflies

I studyied dynamics and extinction risk in populations of the Bay checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha bayensis), in collaboration with Paul Ehrlich and colleagues at Stanford University. This work demonstrates the utility of model systems in ecology, and of the Bay checkerspot butterfly as a model for the population concept. Populations are the basic functional unit for many ecological and evolutionary processes, including colonization, extinction, species range shifts, species interactions, evolution of adaptation, and maintenance of polymorphisms. Knowledge about populations thus provides a basis for understanding natural patterns ranging from the form of individual organisms to the composition of communities. The science of population biology seeks to explain how and why populations vary in size and structure through time and space. The central premise of population biology is that behavior of populations can be understood by studying factors affecting individual organisms and then summing their effects over all individuals. We applied this premise to understand population responses to environmental change, including as plant succession, habitat loss, species invasions, and climate change. We showed that extinctions of the two longest studied populations were driven by climate change in the form of increasingly variable precipitation. Ultimately, habitat loss has been the greatest threat to most E. e. bayensis populations, but now climate change exacerbates habitat loss to hasten extinctions. Similar extinctions in other species are likely to occur as habitat loss, climate change, and other factors grow and interact.

Our work integrates field study of mechanisms causing population changes with mathematical modeling of population responses to those mechanisms. The result is a mechanistic understanding of checkerspot population dynamics. This is a primary goal in population biology, and a powerful tool for conservation. Results show that habitat characteristics can qualitatively affect population dynamics and quantitatively alter extinction risk. This work serves four purposes. First, it represents one of the few examples in which all major factors influencing the dynamics of a population have been analyzed. Second, it demonstrates relationships between habitat characteristics, population dynamics, and extinction risk. Third, it identifies conservation priorities for a particular threatened species. Fourth, it provides guidance for the conservation of lesser-studied populations, particularly invertebrates.

5 Forest Carnivores in the North Cascades

This research program studies the status, distributions, and habitat relationships of forest carnivores. Researchers throughout western North America have recognized a need for basic and applied work on forest carnivores, especially marten, fisher, lynx, and wolverine. Apparent declines in the abundances and distributions of these species throughout the west have raised concern. These species are sensitive to habitat loss and degradation, due to their large area requirements, slow recovery from anthropogenically induced declines, and dependence on structural habitat features that take centuries to regenerate. This research program is a collaborative effort with the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest and North Cascades National Park.

Habitat loss and fragmentation are the leading causes of species imperilment globally. Although effects of these processes on biodiversity are understood in general, thresholds of fragmentation causing extinction are known for few species. My work seeks to determine extinction thresholds for carnivores in the North Cascades. We rarely can say with confidence whether a given species persists via metapopulation processes or is doomed to extinction as a collection of isolated populations. Carnivore populations in the North Cascades offer an opportunity to answer the question of how much suitable habitat is needed to support a population. Old growth forest in the area is highly fragmented, including patches occupied by carnivores and others where carnivores are absent. My near-term research objective is to determine which habitat characteristics at levels of both forest stands and landscapes are necessary to support carnivore populations. Currently, we are analyzing the distribution of marten (Martes americana) relative to data on forest vegetation structure and landscape patterns.

I worked with North Cascades National Park Service Complex (NOCA) biologists to survey forest carnivores in the NOCA. We completed camera trap surveys during winters 2002-2003 and 2003-2004. Our results complemented similar surveys at Olympic and Rainier National Parks and surveys conducted by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Forest Service in the 1990s on other public lands in Washington.

6 Grizzly Bear Habitat Evaluation in the North Cascades Recovery Zone

This project was conducted by one of my graduate advisees, Peter Horne, in consultation with biologists in the National Park Service, US Forest Service, and US Fish and Wildlife Service. The first phase of the project was to map distribution of seasonal food sources in the North Cascades Grizzly Bear Recovery Zone. The second phase simulated movement of bears relative to seasonal food sources, boundaries of bear management units, and roads and trails.

Management decisions in the North Cascades Recovery Zone currently are based upon a policy of no net loss of core habitat, with core habitat defined by the absence of roads and high-use trails. Our work provides a more realistic approach, because it addresses spatial and temporal patterns in the distribution of grizzly food resources, movement of bears within those patterns, and risks of bear-human conflicts resulting from that movement. Results show that a policy based on core habitat differentiates well between landscapes with few vs. many roads and trails, but it does poorly with intermediate landscapes. Landscapes with intermediate amounts of roads and trails, which constitute most of the Recovery Zone, require an approach based on pattern and process. We analyzed alternatives to core habitat that are both easy to measure and that reliably discriminate between good and poor landscapes. This work contributed to the basic science of landscape ecology, and it has practical management applications for evaluating grizzly habitat, forecasting effects of creating/removing particular roads and trails, and anticipating areas of likely bear-human conflict.

7 Avian Distributions and Habitat Relationships in the North Cascades

This project had two main goals. The first was to develop an understanding of avian-habitat relationships across diverse habitats in the North Cascades. The second was to develop and evaluate a design to inventory and monitor avian populations in areas with diverse habitats and limited access, including many National Parks. These goals also support efforts to forecast avian responses to anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic habitat changes.

This project was a collaboration with North Cascades National Park Service Complex (NOCA) and the Institute for Bird Populations (IBP) on a long-term program of avian research, inventory, and monitoring. The program provided information valuable to basic science and applications to Park and Forest management. The work complements my Field Methods course (ESCI 408), which teaches methods used in avian research programs.

Preliminary Results: (Maps created by Stefan Freelan.)
American Robin
Winter Wren
Yellow Warbler

8 Trophic Interactions in Heterogeneous Environments

I am studying effects of spatial patterns on ecological communities with multiple trophic levels. This work applies mathematical models of linked predator-prey interactions in spatially variable environments. The simplest example would be interactions between plants, herbivores, and carnivores, in which plant productivity varies in space. The resulting models are multidimensional nonlinear systems of partial differential equations with heterogeneous coefficients. The usual mathematical approaches do not work in these cases. (Otherwise, the problem would have been solved long ago.) I am applying modern methods of applied mathematics to develop approximate solutions. Most environmental problems include nonlinear interactions among multiple components in spatially structured environments. This project represents a step toward developing analytical tools to address such problems in a quantitative way.

9 Quantifying and Predicting Ecological Sustainability

Collaboration among Wayne Landis, Leo Bodensteiner, Lynn Robbins, and myself produced an approach for conducting risk assessment at the scale of river basins. Our approach combines research methods from the social sciences, risk assessment, and quantitative ecology. It is an example of the kind of interdisciplinary work that is well served by Huxley's structure.

Wayne Landis and I expanded the approach to address sustainable management of ecological systems. We developed a decision theory for environmental sustainability. Our work quantifies formerly vague concepts of ecological integrity and sustainability. It will allow decision-makers to predict whether a given management program will be sustainable.

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