ESCI 325 Fundamentals of Ecology
ESCI 330 Natural History of the Pacific Northwest
ESCI 340 Biostatistical Analysis
ESCI 408 Field Methods in Wildlife Ecology
ESCI 433/533 Population Biology
ESCI 433b Population Biology Laboratory
ESCI 439/539 Conservation of Biological
ENVR 496 Environmental Stewardship
ESCI 498b Internship
ESCI 499/599 Ecological Modeling and Deduction
ESCI 499/599 Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
ESCI 309 Riparian Conservation in the Grand Canyon
ESCI Field Camp
River Studies and Leadership Certificate
Selected Publications
Johnson, C.*, C. Douglas*, T. Mansmith*, and J. McLaughlin. 2023. Large Wood
supports Elwha revegetation by reducing ungulate browsing. Frontiers in Ecology
and Evolution 11:1215144. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1215144
McLaughlin, J. 2023. Training the next generation of river professionals and scientists.
RMS Journal 36(3):1,16-18.
McLaughlin J. 2022. In-Person Field Courses During the Pandemic:
Minimizing Risk while Maximizing Efficacy.
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.
McLaughlin, J. F. 2018. Safe operating space for humanity at a regional scale.
Ecology and Society 23(2):43. [online] URL:
McCaffery, R., J. McLaughlin, K. Sager-Fradkin, and K. J. Jenkins. 2018.
Terrestrial fauna are agents and endpoints in ecosystem restoration following dam removal.
Ecological Restoration 36(2):97-107.
Gelarden, C. J.* and J. F. McLaughlin. 2013.
Forecasting avian responses to Elwha River restoration.
Ecological Restoration 31:31-45.
McLaughlin, J. F. 2013.
Engaging birds in vegetation restoration after Elwha dam removal.
Ecological Restoration 31:46-56.
McLaughlin, J. F., J. J. Hellmann*, C. L. Boggs, and P. R. Ehrlich. 2002.
Climate change hastens population extinctions. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.
McLaughlin, J. F., J. J. Hellmann*, C. L. Boggs, and P. R. Ehrlich. 2002.
The route to extinction: Population dynamics of a threatened butterfly.
Oecologia 132(4)538-548.
* student author
Professional Organizations
River Field Studies Network
Ecological Society of America
Society for Conservation Biology
Society for Ecological Restoration